Saturday, August 31, 2013

Arghhhh! Little Pirates Hop on Board Ship 104

Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone!

Boy oh boy has this been a busy week! With the start of school beginning this past Monday I have done nothing but run around getting things ready and organize. Since my summer in Nepal lasted right up to the start of school I was unable to organize as much as I would have liked.

With that said however, it has been a wonderful start to the new school year!!!

For my new parents: Welcome to our classroom blog. I utilize this website to share our classroom fun with you as parents as well as share my ideas with other teachers.

For my fellow teacher followers: I am excited to share my new ideas for this year and welcome back!

This year our school as decided to use a pirate theme, and boy do I love it. Throughout our school we have cute decorations and the slogan

P.I.R.A.T.E.S. which is an acronym for prepared, informed, responsible, achieving, together, everyday, sailing towards success.

Cute huh?

I also love my new desk area. I created letters for my name and have two new picture frames (Ill write a post on how to make these as well)

I had a blast decorating my room with all new ABC and number posters as well as some new palm trees! I will post a little later on my new creations and how I made them if anyone would like to use the ideas for your own classroom, but for now here are some new pictures of my classroom and little pirates!

Librarian volunteer Ms. Leghart stops in to read to the new crew!

Well that is it for now! I will hopefully get time to post some snap shots of our learning and the self portraits we made tomorrow. Right now it is off to a cookout and to visit my 2 month old nephew!

*Also I apologize to the two little ones who are not posted yet. Their pictures were taken a different day and are not uploaded yet!

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