Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Coloring Contest

Congrats to our halloween coloring contest finalists!! A special congratulations to Brea for being our winner!

Great job everyone!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letter M Madness

Hi Everyone,

First, I would like to apologize in the delay in updating my blog. As always things have been crazy hectic and it seems like I never have time to breathe. There has been a lot going on in the classroom and many new additions, my favorite being the addition of a projector! Also, I bought a document camera and have been having way too much fun using it. The kids really enjoy it!

Hopefully in the following days I get to post everything we have been doing. Right now I would like to introduce you to my Arrrrgh Letter of the Week wall. We focus on one letter a week for two weeks then review the two of them on the third. For our new letters I like to make an art project to help them remember a few words that start with that letter.

Our first letter was the letter M.

Materials for the Moose, Mouse, and Monster

Monster Crew

Moose Crew

Mouse Crew

The finished products hang proudly in our reading center!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

From the Ground Up!

This past summer I spent an unbelievable time in Nepal. Words may not ever truly describe the the experience I had this summer. It was a humbling experience.

Building a school!
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