Today a student cut my hair off!!!!
Then another student poured glue on me!!!!
April Fools!
You either love it or hate it.
Chances are you love this fun day of the year if you are the one playing the joke and dislike it if the joke is always on you.
Many teachers fear this day dreading the jokes that will be flying left and right. As a Kindergarten teacher I have learned that children do not understand the concept very well at this age. I get a lot of "Hi Miss P, heheheheh April Fools" or "You are pretty April Fools."
My students surprised me this year by catching me a few times. I really did fall for the "There is a stink bug on your shoulder" more than once!
Since my kiddos were into the spirit of jokes I took the opportunity to use their interest and make it a writing assignment. And boy did we have fun with this! As a class we decided to trick the parent in to thinking that their children got a red card for the day. Our school has a color card system and the red card is the end all of cards, the principals office!!!!!!! We knew if our parents saw this they would flip and thought it would be funny to include a note stating what they did wrong.
First, we reviewed how to write a letter and got started on our sloppy copies. We talked about the greeting, body, and closing. Since we are Kindergarten after all we worked together to create an outline for everyone to follow:
Dear Parents,
I got a red card.
1- 3 sentances explaining why.
I am not sorry!
From, Name
We created the sloppy copies with huge excitement. They were very excited and creative in thinking about what they could have done. I have never seen them so happy to do a writing assignment. They even used original ideas! Here are some of the results:
To make the stories even more believable we staged the actions that they did wrong.
We topped it all off by adding a giant APRIL FOOLS coloring page to the end. When we put the pictures with the writing together they were pretty convincing!
Needless to say we got all of the parents pretty good!