Wednesday, February 18, 2015

100 Years Old

Once again for the 100th day of school time flew by! Before we knew it we were 100 days smarter and 100 years old! Students put on their 100 year old best to look super 100. The Kindergarten wore anything from beards to hairy eyebrows. Students could be seen walking around with canes, big bellies, glasses, pearls, ties, curlers, gray hair, and even a life alert button!

Take a look at this Kindergarten grade photo! Can you spot me in the middle?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Arctic and Antarctic Wonders

This year I topped an all new record of milk jug building. My typical 100 milk jug igloo project quickly turned into a school wide frenzy. Before we knew it we had over 600 milk jugs to build our frozen tundra room.

Every year we explore the Arctic and Antarctic regions of the world. This is by far my favorite part of the entire school year. 

We tracked the process of collecting milk jugs on a school wide poster outside of the office. Together we put them in bags in sets of ten. This provided a good visual for grouping by math.

Here you can see our classroom featured in a local newspaper!

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