101 Days of School STEAM challenges
This day truly is what makes me excited to be a teacher! Students faced 8 different challenges that had them using science, technology, engineering, art, and math to help out their Dalmatian friends.
1. Parachute the puppy to safety - students used coffee filters, cups, and strings to try to land their puppy safely with the cup standing on the target. They were then encouraged to readjust their design to improve their landing.
3. Doghouse Lifesize- create a doghouse to fit a student in using giant legos.
4. Hideout - students had to use various materials to build a hide so that Cruella couldn’t find the puppies. Students got super creative with this one by making time limites while one person hid holding Cruella.
6. Puppy Playground - create a playground toy using pipe cleaners, paper, and popsicle sticks.
8. Marshmallow Dalmatian - This was the hardest by far. I still never created an acceptable one for example - my students did amazing! Students used toothpicks and marshmallows to create their own dogs. Then they put on spots with black markers.
I was truly blown away by the creativity these kiddos showed. The whole time I had a few iPads floating around the room so that students could take photos of all of their creations. They also had a record book where they could write down their designs and how they worked out.
Thank you to all the parents who donated supplies and the teachers pay teachers file that made it much easier to print materials. It was a long preparation- but worth every second.