Thursday, March 7, 2013

Get Well Soon

I would like to dedicate one of my first posts to CONNOR HALL. Connor has been a great friend these past few years and I would like to wish him the best on his recovery from a skiing accident. He is by far one of the funniest, most fun loving people I know!

Right after the accident I was pretty upset and had mentioned to my students that one of my best friends had been hurt. I did not say any of the details other than his name was Connor. Without asking me for help many of the students took it upon themselves to use their recess time to create get well cards. They sat down together and asked one another for help on figuring out how to spell "Get Well Connor" and other various messages. The outcome was incredible. Although many words were spelled wrong, I  was amazed that they had taken their free time to create mini works of art for a complete stranger! It made my day! 

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