Monday, September 9, 2013

All About Me

Trying to post at the beginning of the year has been such a challenge. Between starting up the classroom, setting things up, getting used to teaching all day again, and taking care of things at home I can easily say I am exhausted!

With that said, I have been having a blast getting to know the new kiddos and starting up all the units. Our first week we took some time to learn about each other as well as our selves. We talked about what made each of us special and different from others.

We finished off the week by creating our own self portraits. Everyone go at chance to look in the mirror, study facial characteristics, and decorate their own person.

It was interesting to watch all of them as the studied their eye and hair color then attempt to replicate it on their own personal figure. They really had a lot of fun. One girl even found it funny to made a funny face then copy that onto her person. 

Every one did a fabulous job and got creative!

Finally we added some writing by learning to write the sentence "I am ______." This week's sight word was I so it was the perfect practice using the word as well as familiarizing everyone with sentence structure!

Good Job #104!! 

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