Monday, February 24, 2014

Time Flies!

Woah, boy does time fly. I woke up this morning to find out that I was already 100 years old. Where did the years go?

One of my fellow teachers was in rough shape as well. Yes we are all female teachers!!!!

After wobbling to work in my walker and cracking a few bones I was amazed to discover my class was also 100 years old!

I did not realize until the students were asking questions that my hearing started to go as well. I had to have students repeat sentences over and over and sometimes I really got the words mixed up. I am still trying to figure out why one student told me they had a kitten in the back pocket?!?!

On top of that it seems that my memory went as well. I could not remember what I had even eaten for breakfast.

Luckily these little whipper snappers were still on their A game and helped me around for the day.

Ahhh what a lovely way to celebrate 100 days of school!

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