Saturday, November 15, 2014

Paraguay Skype! 6-C-2

Hi Everyone,

As you may already know I love to travel. Every summer I jet off to another region to travel and learn about the people and volunteer in schools. Everyday I try to incorporate some of the ideas I have learned abroad in the classroom. The world is a massive place with countless things to learn. However, with the use of technology we are now able to make connections throughout the world with a few simple clicks. Over the past few weeks our class as have been learning about the internet and blogs and how we are able to safely share information as a class with others.

Now we get to take it one step further! In the coming weeks we will begin to learn more about the world. We will cover information about the earth, continents, countries, and holidays. Before Christmas the entire Kindergarten will even embark on a journey around the world learning about holidays as they go. And with the thanks of Skype our class will get the opportunity to talk with another Kindergarten class in Paraguay, South America!!!

Yes you heard me! We will be making a Skype video call with student in South America. Although we can not jump on a plane and travel out of our town we are able to connect with others around the world. The idea that the world is huge with other cultures is a lot to take on at such a small age. But actually people able to communicate with someone that far away can help them understand the larger picture of the world. Students will discuss what will be going on in the weeks leading up to this event. Each student will be able to construct a question that they will get to ask the class and the teacher in Paraguay. The idea is that the students will be able to make connections with these students even though they are miles and miles away!!!

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