Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hello From Uganda

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to to let everyone know that I am safe and ok. My bags are still not here and I now will officially not be getting them until Rwanda in a few days. I have also discovered that most of Uganda has very poor internet service so I apologize for not getting to post more earlier. When service gets better I will update multiple posts with information on the animals I have seen so far.
One thing and the most important thing I have seen so far is the willingness of others to help. I came into the tour with the clothes on my back and all of my electronics. At first I panicked a lot. I had planned so much for this trip with all the tools I needed to camp through Africa and they were all lost behind me.
From the second I met the people in the group they helped out every way they could. The leader when and found me a blanket, pillow, and malaria pills. In Africa malaria is a mosquito carried disease that will make you very sick. Luckily there is medicine that can prevent it in most cases. I am thrilled that I have the medicine with me now! A few girls in the group pulled together and gave me clothes so that I would be covered for a few days!
Remember that is always pays off to be nice to people because one day you may need help!

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