Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Day in the Garden

Today the school librarian and helper decided it was that time of the year to start weeding out the garden. Our school is very lucky to have a beautiful outside courtyard in the middle of school that is full of areas to plant . The Kinders all brought in gloves from home and were all ready to go when it was time for our library special. 

When we got outside they were each handed a bag to collect dandelions in. They got straight to work ridding the gardens of the weeds. 

Here are a few snapshots of our time outside. It was such a beautiful day!

Dandelion Art

In the afternoon we picked out a piece of colored construction paper, dumped out our dandelions, and created an original piece of artwork. Once again, the students got very creative with this.

Some students chose to make a landscape picture while others created giant flowers out of their dandelions. One boy made a beautiful heart for his mother since Mother's Day is just around the corner!

 Some kiddos ended early so I showed them how to make flower head bands. This allowed for them to get some extra fine motor skill practice. They even helped me make one (those things can get tricky).

 We gathered around for a group shot with our new dandelion art work and jewelry before displaying it in the hall.

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