Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!

This year I decided it would be fun to try to sculpt a pumpkin. I bought a cute stand shaped like a mummy from walmart and a giant pumpkin from a shop down the road! Pretty proud of this guy!!!!

We had a wonderful Halloween here in room #104. The kids could not have been any more excited to get their costumes on and parade around outside of the school. Luckily the rain held off and we were able to  go outside this year!

Our Kindergarten team dressed up as Rock, Paper, and Scissors. The kids loved the idea and thought it was really silly. I can not tell you how many parents said "You better not run with those scissors."

We got a nice group picture to show off our costumes. 

And a silly one of course!

We were lucky to have two surprise visitors, my mom and sister, or are also teachers. They helped get the festivities up and running for the rest of the day! The students even got them to join in the games!


The students were divided into three teams and took turns wrapping our designated Mummy. It was very cute when some of them got confused and kept calling it a "Mommy." Too Funny.

The finished Mummies!

The most exciting part was when we counted down from 10 and they got to break out of their wrappings.

Next, we played pint he nose on the Jack-o-Lantern while bling folded. This game got funny real quick when students were so far off they were halfway across the board. Once the students convinced my Mom to participate, she got so dizzy from the spinning she pinned the nose on MY face! It did not stop there... many students accidentally pinned their nose on me or various other places. It was a hoot!

What a fun day!

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