Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Cheer

There is no denying the fact that I LOVE Christmas and Holiday decorations. Did I mention I LOVE decorating! Making a classroom fun and exciting is a huge belief of mine. Who doesn't want to walk into a room filled with cool things?

Before the students came back from Thanksgiving break a mommy elf and I got busy to work covering every inch of the room. This was the final product!

As you can tell I got a little carried away. Watching the students walk in was a thrill as each one of them could not believe their eyes.

I had a little chat with Santa and he decided to send an elf over every day to check on us. A new one has appeared each day so far. This year Jolly and Charlie have come to visit.

They discovered Charlie in the Art bin this morning. He was a tricky little guy.

Moosey Math is in the spirit as well!

When we returned from our special it looked like a little elf brought Christmas early. Thanks to all of the wonderful parents who have ordered books I was able to use points, and some of my own money, to expand our library!!! The kids are excited to pick out a book from under the tree to read in class!

We even got to celebrate a birthday on our first day back. Our school offers birthday cookie cakes for parents to order on their child's birthday. Very cool idea for busy parents! 

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

Stay posted for some more holiday cheer! 

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