Friday, June 3, 2016

Butterfly Release

 Butterfly Release

Boy oh boy these kids took a liking to the butterfly project. Every day these little ones came running in the school and would clamber around the cage and take note on any of the changes in their cups or the chrysalises. I could go on and on about this project. It was by far my favorite unit I have ever developed over my four years of teaching. I will do a post later about the projects we did during the unit but here I want to share the pictures of our butterfly release. We were fortunate enough to take part in the community and the 1st and 3rd grade took a walk to the local park to release the butterflies in their garden. My 2 year old nephew joined the class in the excitement! Take a look!

My nephew and I opened the cage as the students watched eagerly!
Some lucky kids had the butterflies land on their hands!

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