Thursday, June 2, 2016

Butterfly Art

Who doesn't love to look at butterflies? They are such beautiful creatures and have captivated me since I was a young girl. Growing up I loved finding them and was always sad to find a dead butterfly. One day while I was walking down a street market in Thailand I came across a beautiful pair of butterfly earrings. What a great way to keep the beauty of a butterfly.

Flash forward a few years and here I am teaching First Grade Science. To my delight this year I got to teach all about butterflies. I was thrilled to get started. Thanks to the help of a few donors and grants we got to create an insane butterfly unit! I used some of my own collections to show the students the art of preserving butterflies. 

Gorgeous right? The students learned about where the butterflies came from, different traits, and why they had adopted their markings. 

The next part of the project was to pick our own butterfly wings and create our own artwork. Each child got one wing, piece of cardstock, and lots of markers.

Together I gave them ideas for drawing the grass, hills, flowers, sun, and much more. They drew them with black markers and then scribbled in with the highlighters. By coloring them in with strokes instead of a solid color it gave them and artistic look!
Here is an example of the one I created and below some student examples. To seal them we used a Scotch laminator to seal them in tight and keep them safe for years to come!


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