Tuesday, August 2, 2016

South Luwanga Zambia

South Luwanga, Zambia Camping
Waking up I was exited to hear from our guide we would be headed off to a National Park to camp that night and do a game drive in the morning. I had not been reading ahead in my schedule and I did not know we had another game drive other than Chobe and Kruger. This made me super happy and excited since I love seeing animals.

After a long drive we arrived at our camp and it was gorgeous. Although we were camping we were camping at a resort that also housed luxury tents for others traveling through Africa. Once we parked the truck I took out my messily little tent and  we went over to the other side of the resort that was meant for over landers. 

Looking around it became apparent that wildlife was all around us. The resort does not have fences and the animals of the park are free to roam around. Walking over to the ledge that ran down to the river I could already spot hippos and elephants in the distance. Close by a tree stood giving some shade so I decided to make my tent there. About halfway through setting up I feel something hit my head and look up to see five monkeys jumping around the tree. How cool!!! I'm living with monkeys. I then came to notice monkeys were in most of the trees running around.

After the tents were set a few of us decided to take a walk down across the campground along the river bed. When we reached the opposite side of the grounds we found ourselves two bus lengths away from an elephant eating. We stood there walking as the elephant slowly ripped branches off from the tree. He was huge! 

Behind us we heard a bunch of rustling and saw monkeys tearing apart the roof of a building and playing around. So cute! Then we heard the noise that sounds like a howl and a snore at the same time! Hippos!!!! It was getting dark but we did not want to stop watching. But every so often we could hear the hippos get closer and closer by their noise but still could not see them. They were most likely close to the river bank ledge keeping them out of sight. Once the sun finally set and the pitch black set in we decided the hippos were probably close enough on river banks below that we should get out of there. 

Sitting around the fire that night we prepared ourselves for the excitement we would get tomorrow on the game drive!

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