Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dinosaurs, Cavemen, and Underpants............. Oh My!!!

Dinosaurs Love Underpants

Last week we read a very entertaining story titled "Dinosaurs Love Underpants." The students absolutely loved this story. The book tell us of a very unique and funny theory for why all of the dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. 

If you have not read this great story I suggest you pick up a copy for your Dinosaur Unit!

After reading the story my Kinders we could not resist making our own Dinos in Underpants!

I drew up two different dinos, a T-rex and Triceratops, and let the students choose between the two. I will be uploading the template soon as a freebie! 

After the students decorated their dinos they had the challenge of cutting them out. This helped them practice some fine motor skills. Next, they had four different types of underpants to choose from that I found on the internet and enlarged. I can not begin to tell you how much fun they had decorating and creating these.

The final product was hilarious and we displayed them proudly in the hall!

Last, we talked about the story setting, characters, and conflict and wrote a few simple sentences. My class voted and gave this story 5 starts!!!!

1 comment:

  1. could I please get the free template link for the dinosaurs


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