Monday, May 6, 2013

Watercolor Flowers

With the bright weather and beautiful flowers springing forth it seems like we are getting outside more and more. The garden has been looking so beautiful it only seemed fitting that we took our first shot at watercolors this year! First the Kinder Klowns learned about some famous watercolor artists and then some basic watercolor techniques. To keep things clean we opted for the watercolor pencils that you add water to after (worked like a charm).

Next we went outside with our art paper, folders, and art supplies and picked a spot to relax in and draw. Each student picked an area they were comfortable in to sit with a view that inspired their artwork. Here are some snap shots of the kiddos hard at work enjoying the air and drawing their pictures. 

We came inside and got straight to work adding the water. At first I was worried the students would get upset as the colors started to run together because some of my kiddos love their work to be perfectly neat. There are a few than remind me of myself because watercolor always scared me because it can be a little unpredictable when you add the water. Luckily I was wrong! They all loved seeing the effect the water had and watching the color spread around!!!

I am still thrilled with how these turned out. They really used their artistic talents and took their time perfecting their work.

We proudly displayed our final products in the hall!

Here is a better look at four of my students' finished products!

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