Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Parents & Pinterest (3-D-2)

How do we keep it all organized? How can we find more information about the topics we want to find? The answer is becoming easier and easier with all of the online social bookmarking tools such as Pinterest and Diigo. As a teacher I am constantly looking for new and fresh ideas to help get my students to learn the topics that will help them succeed. As parents you are always looking to do the same.

Below I am going to list some easy steps to creating your own Pinterest account and what to do once you have one. This will allow you as a parent to continually find new and exciting ways to keep your child's learning going even outside of school.


1. Go to www.pinterest.com

2. Click Sign Up

3. Fill in the criteria to create an account

4. Log on to your email to activate and confirm your account.

5. Now you have an account. The next thing to do is to start to add the content you are interested in. Pinterest will ask you some questions about the things that you are interested in. The great part about this is you can find things that have to do with school, cooking, art, or anything else that you may enjoy. It will organize this for you later so do not worry that it will get mixed together.

6. After answering these questions you are ready to go! Begin to search. At the top left bar you can search for whatever you would like to find.

*Tips- I suggest searching for topics that your child may struggle with in school or are interested in learning more about. Examples: CVC words, short vowel, letter naming, counting, and number Id

7. After searching you can do two things.

  A. Follow Users
     1. If you find another user that has a lot of content that you are interested click the follow button.
     2. Now when this user pins things that match your interest they will come up on your home screen.
     3. This makes it easy for you to find relative content.

   B. Pin Content to a Board
      1. When you find an activity that you would like to try you will "Pin It."
      2. When you "Pin" an activity you can put it on a "board."
      3. You can create as many "boards" as you would like. When you click pin it will ask you what board you would like to pin it to. Click the create new board and name the board what you will be pinning. Examples: Recipes, Halloween, Reading or more specific such as CVC words, short vowels, etc.

8. Continue to search and look through content as the year progresses to give you new and fresh ideas!

There you have it! You know have your very own pinterest account that will help you keep organized and find new and fun ideas for your child. Since you are no longer in school I will not make this homework nor will I grade. However, I do ask if you find something super cool or interesting share it with me over email. I would love to see what you guys find and use them in class if we can!

Happy pinning!

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