Monday, October 20, 2014

To the web... and beyond!

It is hard to imagine what teaching was like without computers. It is equally hard to imagine what it will be like in the next few years. The invention of the computer and its counterpart the Internet has grown unbelievably fast. Every single day more and more apps, websites, blogs, games, etc are developed to share ideas, express oneself, sell things, and educate. The opportunities are limitless.

If they are limitless how do we know where to start and keep a grip on it all? First, we start with the tried and true basics that have been around a little longer than others. In my room parents and students will encounter a few uses of the web and technology I have used over the past two years as well as new ideas as they come up.

Remind101- This is a wonderful tool run through the web and cell phones. It keeps parents informed at any time the teachers decides to send a text alert out. No longer are the days of phone chains or wondering and waiting. This simple to use website connects the classroom and home almost immediately.

Skype- Expensive assemblies? No more. Thanks to the web classrooms can not only connect to real life people but they can do so with people across the world! I still remember being in 2nd grade and sending a letter to a pen pal across the state. Now students can draft up questions and prepare for a real life interview with an astronaut, dentist, or maybe even a family member halfway across the world.

Blogging- Blogs allow me not only to share what is going on with my class with parents but the world. Teachers have an entire world worth of information and ideas readily available to them thanks to the web and other teachers blogs. I love to share and spread my ideas as well as build on those of other incredible teachers.

These just touch on a few. Parents can now (if they have computer access) easily locate and stimulate their child at home using educational websites. So what is the limit? There does not seem to be a limit. Virtually whatever we think up we may be able to do one day. My ideas are yours, my students ideas are yours, and your ideas can be shared when you comment below! Let's connect!

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