Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What Makes Us Everyday Super Heroes!

This year our school theme is everyday super heroes. Here in room 108 we discussed what that meant and how we are heroes every single day. It is a pretty cool thing to think of yourself as a super hero and even cooler because it is true. After discussing what we did to become heroes we drew pictures and shared our thoughts with you! Please feel free to communicate and respond back to our work. We would love to hear from you!

Miss P & Room 108                

P.S. Keep posted for a clip of what everyday heroes dance like!

 "I help my sister clean up toys. I am a super hero!" -Kiara

 "When my brother makes a mess I help him clean up. That makes me a super hero." - Cailyn

"That is me and my friend picking up a toy." _ Jayden

"I am a super hero because I help my mom help feed my dogs." - Rilee


"I like helping my mom with her hurt hand." - Noah


"I am a super hero because I help my brother clean up when he makes a mess." - Bubba

"I help my dad clean up my toys and that makes me a super hero!" - Ethan

" I am a super hero because I push in my friend's chair." - Carter

" I am a superhero because I help my dad clean up his blood when he is hurt." - Davilynn

" I am a super hero because Adam got hurt and I am helping him." - Saul

" I am a super hero because Bubba is hurt and I am helping him." - Adam

" I help my mom feed the cat." - David

"I help my friends and my mom. When she is sick I help her get up." -Lexa

"I like to help my dad when he is not here with his work. I help fix the bicycle. That makes me a super hero." - Arelyn

"I help my brother find the bathroom" - Pat

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